Ya = you (informal)
Disgusting = action or object which makes people vomit
Peck = fast kiss
Chills = reaction when people are afraid or cold
Based on the comic, answer the following questions
1 – Identify the modals used by Monica and Jimmy Five.
2 – What are their functions?
3 – The following lexical modals can replace which modals from the comic?
To be supposed to __________________________________
To be possible to ___________________________________
4 – Some of the modals can be replaced by other. Which ones and by what others?
5 – What is the reason Monica uses to blackmail Jimmy Five?
6 – What is the second reason Jimmy Five uses to lay down his shirt on the mud?
This is a class designed by me @TeacherBrunoGon
All readers students and teachers feel free to use it.
I hope everybody can make good use of it.
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